Happy Birthday Mommy!
Dana Arnold Renshaw:
Laundry Doer,
Bow Maker,
& Leave it to Beaver Lover
For any of you who know my mom, she's
pretty much the most amazing person EVER.
So, I am making this very pitiful post about her.
Which I feel terrible about because its a day late!
But please forgive me, for slacking on my blog birthdays.
So Anyways....
Happy Birthday to a Very Lovely Lady!
McKenzie Jane
YOU ARE THE CUTESTT LITTLE SISTER EVER! how do you make your blog so cute? love your music & the cuute background! i bet you knooww my favorite song =) ha. the chipmunks one of course! i can't wait to be hooome..it doesn't even feeeel like christmas here! (besides the snoww!) can't wait to be in our hooouse with all our christmas decorations & a christmas treeee! love your cute little blog, and love YOOOUU!